Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An appeal...

This is for the teenage girls who in the fight to stay upbeat and trendy, forget where and why they started, and where it is leading them to... It's just an appeal to them to look back and redefine their paths and goals!

""Straddling in between, with nowhere to go,
There she stood, a solitary girl
But she wasn’t really alone.
She wasn’t sure where she was from,
Nor did she recall the place she was heading to
All she knew was that her conscience had been struggling along!
No, she couldn’t say a word,
Her eyes teared up, emotions did flow
She did not know where she went wrong
Which road it was, which turn she didn’t belong
It wasn’t the right path that she knew
The way back to home was just what she seeked through.
The tale can’t be over so soon,
all along present are the foes and friends
The vultures were there, and doves were there too.
Hands outstretched, like eager to help
Or the earnest of support comes from the closed end?
She did not know, no one taught her
As in time, she dint pay heed, too.
Her choice she did make, between
the boring white doves, the uninterested
and the gentle helping colourful vultures
Knowing, “you can only once decide your own fate”
She was wise, her choice was right.
But, it’s not the end, coz she wasn’t alone
The right path with all just doesn’t go along
There was a she in every street, and in every home!""

Saturday, January 21, 2012

An Unfinished Business

It was the day when I sat to reflect,
The what and why and how of my life
It was the day when I finally realised,
The worth of all situations that I’ve had to pass by
No it wasn’t regret, to my surprise not even a sigh…
It was the day when I closed my eyes to the world outside and indeed looked inside
For I was not the person that I used to be, not even a distant image of the past me
Nor was I completely different inside, coz fears and values within still remained high
I wasn’t happy nor did I cry, it felt like something within had just denied
The basic existence; as if the reflection in the mirror was not mine
Then who was it, what had become of me?
I left the quest unanswered, an unfinished business let it be……

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Friday, January 20, 2012

SHE WILL BE.......

You won’t even know, what she is inside

What’s going on in her mind, which emotion she just disguised;

She will smile to brighten your day, even when her heart is brittle

She will laugh at your joke even when the humour is jot or tittle;

Happiness, peace and sacrifice to begin,

Serene would be her face, although there’s storm of rage within;

Her care is immense, don’t fool yourself to doubt

She will keep her words to herself when you’d think she should shout

For you it will be her own world in which she lives

She will be your shadow even in darkness only if you respect what she believes!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Young Bird Did Fly....

Lost in her thoughts she began to search

For memories from her distant past

Things that she knew would forever and yet never last

A lurking smile from the corner of her eyes

Crossed her face as she remembered by

Time and tide had once held her captive

How she fluttered her wings in desperation

When all she wanted was just to fly active

She tried her best yet the winds were against her

All her efforts went in vain, the pain seemed to last forever

Hope was but, what she never left,

The winds blew again and now in favour

Time could not bow, the spirit of this young bird

Winter didn’t wither her, summer didn’t feel too dry

Coz she was waiting for the spring to come

And it sure did…. Coz she took it in her stride

When it was all against and high

And now it was time for her to bask in its glory

Her struggle she did surpassed

And now was as free as her unchained melody……………

Friday, April 9, 2010

a mere time pass

hey frenz.....

wanna know wat's the outcome of appearing in an exam being absolute clueless of what d course in d exam was....

well here's wat my outcum was...

i wrote two poems in my exam today....

had nothing to do.... not even a single word in the question paper was making any sense to me....

but somehow i had to spend the time.... so here is what i did....

please check out the poems "me.." and "PLIGHT"..... m sure most of u all will b able to relate urself to dem sumhow...... :) :)


I m exhausted, suffocated
I can hardly breathe
D air here is contaminated
With self interest, arrogance and shallow glee.
I'm lost ; completely absolutely lost,
It's hard to figure out
Who d reflection in the mirror is…
How cum I've changed so much?
Why can't time roll back
And take me before I am crushed?
Just one change I want to make,
Just one decision has my whole happiness at stake.
I'hv got to live life on my terms,
Cz just that,,,is me, in my own world!!!!!!


My thoughts are running wild,
As to who am I, just an aimless child?
I'm not what you think of me,
I've always wanted to be just me.
Yet, for you the society is more important,
It has always been, you were never less enchanted.
I don't know who I am, here where u've placed me,
I've lost my niche, and my creativity.
I may not know what I should be,
But all that I know is, this is not meant for me.
The path u've forced me on
Bothers me night and dawn.
No, I don't want to be here,
Can't you see my silent tears?
I've lost my identity..
All I wanna do now is run away and be free…!!!!